Successful Sales Pages

What’s covered in this learning:

When you’re challenged by your own pages, it can be helpful to take what you’ve learned and look at some examples of successful sales pages to deepen and integrate what you’ve taken in.

1. The Quick and Clean Full Workbook

  • Get it here – Click here to download the full workbook.

This is one of two workbooks for this module.

As with Heart-Centered Websites, having a Customer-Focused Story already written for your business will help this process go much more swiftly.


2. What to do

Read the workbook pages 24 and 25, reading through at least two or three of the samples sales pages, all of which are from Heart of Business, those pages together have brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last few years.

Look at the questions on page 25, and see if you can identify what I’m asking for. Then try it on your offer offer, as suggested on that page.

Your assignment: