The 3 Journeys of Marketing: Overview and Teaching

What’s covered in this learning:

Marketing can feel overwhelming, and it becomes much more approachable when it’s not seen as one single thing, but as three separate journeys, each distinct and needing a different approach and plan.

NOTE: There are two ways to use this module.

One way is to simply give yourself an overview of how Heart of Business sees marketing, so you can understand what the Three Journeys are and what the true purpose of marketing is. This is especially good to take on either as a pre-module, or while you’re working on the first stage modules.

In this case, just watch the video and let it sink in. Ignore the additional lessons in this module. Really, just leave them alone, don’t do any more than this. It’s a Big Picture learning.

The other way, if you’ve progressed far enough into the Second Stage of development that you’ve already completed to some degree the Heart-Centered Article Writing, Heart-Centered Networking and First Journey Marketing modules, then you can use this module, with all four lessons, to create a marketing plan that includes all three journeys of marketing.

If you are in the earlier stages, don’t let perfectionism or “good student” syndrome get the better of you. Just ignore the other lessons. Really. Otherwise, you’ll end up confused.

The 3 Journeys of Marketing video and PDF.

The video is about 15 minutes, and covers the 3 Journeys, including the true purpose of marketing.

You can download the PDF with this link, or by clicking on the PDF cover below. The 3 Journeys of Marketing.


You may want pen and paper, other ways of taking notes and recording insights. Pause as much as you need to!

Your assignment:

  1. Watch the video and read the PDF.
  2. Answer the questions.

You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.


  • What was your understanding of the purpose of marketing before you watched the video?
  • What is your relationship to marketing like now that you understand the 3 Journeys, the marketing’s true purpose?
  • If you are doing any marketing activities currently, make a list, and identify which activities, if any, are primarily First Journey, which are primarily Second Journey, and which primarily Third Journey.
  • Any other insights or learnings?