Deep Heart Check-In and Other Heart-Centered Exercises

Here at Heart of Business we ask you regularly to check in with your heart for guidance, for clarity, for decision-making, for nourishment.

However, we know that doing it on your own can sometimes be challenging.

Yet, when we combine our hearts, when we are together, even over great distance, it becomes so much easier. It can be like having an anchor, allowing us to just drop into a profound and deep knowing inside ourselves.

That’s what the Deep Heart Check-In calls are all about.

Plus, there are any number of profound heart-connection exercises in the Learning Community, and some of them we will go deep with. The recordings of those special calls are here as well.

How the Deep Heart Listening call works

You bring a challenge, a decision, a situation, or really anything to the call, something you’re wanting to gain more clarity and healing about.

The HoB practitioner leading the call will create a deep space of connection first, and guide us each deep into our hearts. Then you will have the space to listen deeply to your own heart, gain your own insights, hear your own messages.

Afterward, there will be space for some to share their experience or ask for support on the call itself. Others are encouraged to post their experience and insights in the Facebook group, remembering they can ask for just witnessing, or any type of acknowledgement or feedback they’d like from folks.

The Schedule

Upcoming calls, including the exact dates and Zoom links, can always be found on the home page.

We aren’t posting the dates here because posting them in two places means we risk making a mistake, and creating confusion.

In general we’re planning on hosting calls on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.

Check out the dates and links here.

The Recordings

Although it’s most powerful live, the recording can be extremely helpful if your schedule keeps you from joining. Then, posting your experience in the group can help you feel more deeply connected and supported, like part of the group that participated, because you will be. Posting is optional, of course, but encouraged.

Your Jewel
Unveiling Your Jewel Part One - 9/21/22
Unveiling Your Jewel Part Two - 9/21/22
Clearing Neediness

The Clearing Neediness Exercise is in Sacred Selling, in the topic on Teaching: Connection.

Yet, this exercise is so universal, so profound, and so needed, it can be used throughout your business, and life, in many situations.

Holly led a class within the Community to dive deeply into this exercise, so listen in to experience a much more expanded version.

Recordings of the live classes on Clearing Neediness

Recording of the live class on Clearing Neediness through to Connecting with the Potential Client


The s Exercise is in the Pre-Modules , in the topic on Sovereignty

Yet, this exercise is so universal, so profound, and so needed, it can be used throughout your business, and life, in many situations.

Holly led a class within the Community to dive deeply into this exercise, so listen in to experience a much more expanded version.

The Sovereignty Exercise: from the Pre-Modules

Your Right Price
Your Ideal Business and What Gets in the Way

Within the mistake of being unprepared for the scheduled Connection Call, those gathered agreed to explore what we’d like our businesses to ideally look like.  In this process we also notice what might be getting in the way.  It’s a gentle guided meditation as we are softening into our hearts in the usual way.

What's between you and your ideal business? - 11/15/2023