Our Community Facebook Group

We use a closed Facebook group for our Community, which means your posts can’t be seen by anyone not in the group, and it has become a place for generosity, vulnerability, engagement and true help.


Some people love Facebook and some don’t… we get it. We’ve seen the amount of connection, support and collaboration go through the roof since we made the move.

The group is a “closed” group on Facebook, which means all of your posts are safe within the group, and no one outside of the group can seen them. This is just for us in this heart-centered community of beloveds.

If you’ve been given access, just click the “f” logo to go to the Community Group on Facebook. (Opens in a new window.)

Have you ever been a participant in one of our programs?

If so, you don’t have to complete the following three steps, however you do need to complete the form.

If you don’t yet have access: 3 nourishing steps

We really want to honor the culture of our Community, known for it’s safety, compassion and presence. In order to do that, we want to ensure that everyone knows what Heart of Business is about, so we’re talking the same language.

With this in mind, there are three items we want you to really take to heart. Once you do, I’ll get you access to the group!


If you haven’t yet, read just through page 30 of Getting to the Core of your Business (<–click the link to download)


Read the Community Guidelines, as well. They aren’t short, but mostly because they are a fairly unique guide on how to have really nourishing online interactions, and how to get the most help and connection from your posts.

Read the Heart of Business Community Guidelines.

Heart of Business Community Guidelines

Interacting in an online group can be both a joy and a challenge. A joy because it’s so convenient, and for certain kinds of interactions, like looking at written work, it’s just outstanding.
It’s a challenge because so much is missing from our communication. As you probably know, the vast majority of communication between two people is non-verbal- the tone of voice, the facial expression, body language.
This is why miscommunication can happen so easily in an online group. We may not realize that someone has posted something that is tender for them, and so our response may miss what they are needing. And, we may not realize when we post something how tender we were feeling until we read the feedback and end up upset.
Here’s what we’d like from us all in communicating in this group:
  • Ask any question you want, on any topic you want!
  • When responding to other people, ask questions before offering answers. It’s really easy to jump in and offer advice. It takes a little more thoughtfulness to really hear someone before responding.
  • Assume niceness. Written words are sometimes harder to interpret emotionally. If you’re upset, or tender, it’s easy to read what someone else wrote and think they are being harsh or critical, when they really intended to be tender and caring.
  • Bring niceness. Everyone who is in this Community has an open and tender heart. Bring your nicest, most compassionate self to the conversation.
  • And most importantly: be yourself and bring your heart.

Who is here?

Everyone in the group is familiar with our culture, has a big heart, and has been added consciously by the Heart of Business team. (If you want to refer a friend to us, have them register for the Community, don’t have them directly request access to the Facebook group.)
People are here from different cultures, different spiritual paths, different genders (there are more than two genders), different sexual orientations. We’re a diverse group of people who share the desire to develop heart-centered businesses, with the intention of  making the world a better place. Whoever you are, we celebrate you!

When you write a post:

Take a moment at the end to identify what kind of feedback you are asking for. In the past people have been surprised to receive “advice” feedback when they wanted just witnessing or empathy- and nothing in the post made that clear to the readers. Unfortunately our culture has a lot of fix-it energy so the default mode for many of us is to offer advice and help rather than witnessing and empathy.
And, sometimes advice and help is really what’s wanted and needed.
So, if you can be clear about what kind of feedback you’d like, it makes a huge difference. When I ran a magazine I had to make a rule with my wife Holly- no critical feedback for the first week after publication- it’s just been printed, there’s nothing that can be changed. I just need to celebrate the hard work. Then I’m happy to hear what could make the next issue better.
But, it took me some time to identify that for myself. And once I did, it made things so much easier.
Here are some ideas of the kind of feedback you can ask for at the end of a post:
  • witnessing and empathy, no advice
  • celebration and witnessing- no improvements
  • feedback on what they liked, no critique
  • critique on what didn’t work or what you didn’t like
  • advice and brainstorming support
  • stories from your own experience that match to give inspiration and break isolation
  • first immediate gut responses when you read this
What else?…
Please feel free to ask for exactly what you want. It will improve the chances of getting it tremendously. And, be courageous when you’re able in asking for critical feedback- it helps so much.

When you respond to a post:

Please note and respect the person’s request. If there is no request, ask for what kind of feedback they’d like.
Take a moment in Remembrance and connect with your heart. Before writing a response, just check in with yourself: is what you’re writing coming from your heart?
Be yourself! Coming from your heart doesn’t mean you have to abandon your personality and become “nice.” I don’t want any of us walking on eggshells–there’s room for humor, brashness, and all of that human shtuff. We just want to pay attention to each other’s requests.

If you end up getting upset:

Take time in your heart for the upset. You’re allowed to be upset. It’s okay. Notice the emotion and make space for it.
Once you make space, see if you can find a place in your heart that can read what upset you differently. Were you assuming a certain attitude or emotion on the part of the writer? What if that wasn’t true? What if they were smiling and had a very different emotion while writing what they wrote?
Ask for clarification. Once you can find your heart again, post a question to the responder: “Wow, I got upset when I read “x”- I’m wondering if you can help me understand where you were coming from there?”
If someone missed your request for feedback, see if you can find it in your heart to thank them for the effort they made, and then remind them of the kind of feedback you really wanted.

If Conflict Arises

We have Community Facilitators who are keeping an eye on interactions in the group. They will proactively watch for any interactions that seem painful or need support and intervene, or call in the Heart of Business team to support the process.
If, after being communicated with by the Heart of Business team, someone continues to be deliberately hurtful, or otherwise acts in ways that undermine the good intentions and connection in this group, they will be removed from the Community.

Promotional Guidelines

First, what is a “promotion?” We consider a promotion to be a post which includes a recommendation to your or anyone else’s content, material or services, whether it be paid or free. (Example: Your free gift. A complimentary session. Someone else’s book or website.)
We want the Heart of Business Community to know one another, use one another’s services, and to refer others. There are lots of amazing services and resources out there. Let’s support each other!
That said, it’s easy for a group to become overrun with promotional posts, and this destroys the usefulness of the group. So, we created channels!
  • Mondays there is a “Celebrations” thread. Please comment in that thread, sharing anything you are celebrating!
  • Wednesdays there is a “Promote yourself!” thread, where you can, in the comments of that thread, promote and link to any offer you want – yours or someone else’s.
  • As needed there is a “Welcome New Members” thread, where all the new members who have joined the group are added and welcomed, and they can share what their business is and where to find them.
  • Fridays there is a “share your content / Blog Post” thread, where you can link to blog posts, or social media posts, that you want people to see. The intention here is that we can help each other get visible by sharing each other’s posts with our own connections and communities. If your content is promotional only, then post it in Wednesday’s thread. However, if your content has valuable material, then it’s okay to put in the Blog Post thread on Friday.
It is okay to share a recommendation to your or another’s content, material or services in a comment on someone else’s post if it is specifically invited and relevant. (If it’s not invited specifically, please ask before sharing.)
Any promotion outside the comments of the Wednesday or Friday thread (and these guidelines) and we’ll ask you not to do it again. If you repeat, painfully we’ll have to remove you from the group.
We don’t want to be hard about this. We want you to feel safe and cared-for in this space, and these are the few guidelines we’ve created to have as rich, meaningful and heart-centered a space as possible!

Heart of Business team participation

The Heart of Business team is present in this group! However, we cannot promise that every post will be read or responded to by the team. Thankfully, the community is full of experienced, knowledgeable members who can share their wisdom and insight.
I know this was a lot to go through! Thank you for reading through it. The more everyone has the same understandings, the more we can function as a true Community, caring for everyone’s hearts!
With appreciation,
Mark Silver, Founder / Owner


Listen to at least one of the “Quick Start” Remembrance Recordings (about 15 minutes) OR listen to the Unveiling your Jewel Class. (That’s a full hour- plenty worth it.)

What our members say about the Facebook group

Open each section to hear what our members have to say

Sondra Kornblatt
Pragalbha Doshi

Member Pragalbha Doshi

The Heart of Business facebook group is my first online community and it is exactly what I might have dreamed of or thought if it was impossible. Through my years of virtual presence on Facebook I dreamed of sharing such authentic communication and attempted to create my genuine world in my own way.

Yet the often some insincere energies kept affecting my sensitive self.

The Heart of Business Facebook group provides a safe, private space to explore core business concepts as discussed in the lessons and the much needed support as we attempt to apply them in the practical world. It is a trusted space where we safely bare our vulnerable hearts and souls worn out by the emotional demands of the suffering world, that we take on as healers and facilitators. A space where gratitude, celebration, empathy, support, witnessing is experienced exactly as it is and not misunderstood as often in the world out there.

The greatest gift for me was how my neediness to be seen for who I am was addressed, validated and honored so I can truly stand for myself. It is a facilitated group space where you will find guidance from so many experiences, philanthropy of presence, compassion for humanness. This is how any online community would operate in ideal intention and I am grateful to be a part of it.

Nela Dunato

Once you’ve completed those three steps, just click the link below.

Note: If you have gone through a Heart of Business course in the past and feel familiar and very comfortable with the Heart of Business culture, you DO NOT have to go through Steps 1 or 3, just read the Community Guidelines (step 2).  We trust that if you’re already familiar/comfortable with our culture, you can make the call to come on in to the Facebook group.

To gain access to the group, click through here:
Heart of Business Closed Facebook Group

If your Facebook account name is different from the name you used to register for the Learning Community, say that in the answers to the questions! Sometimes even just slight changes makes it impossible for us to verify your a member. 🙂

Once you’re there, request access and answer the questions. We’ll approve you as quickly as we can! If you have a problem, just use the priority form below.

To gain access to the group, click through here:
Heart of Business Closed Facebook Group

Once you’re there, request access and answer the questions. We’ll approve you as quickly as we can! If you have a problem, just use the priority form below.

[Content protected for Learning Community - 10 Day Trial members only]

What if I requested access and more than two business days have passed, and I still don’t have access?

Please check the following:

      1. Did you click the link to request access to the group?
      2. Did you answer the two questions?
      3. Have you checked your Facebook notifications to see if you have been given access to the Heart of Business Group?
      4. If after all that, you still can’t seem to get access to the group, use the Priority Contact form below and tell us what the trouble is.

Most importantly… don’t panic… we’ll get you taken care of.  Pinky promise.  🙂