Start Here and Let’s Get You Ready To Fly!

Whether you’re brand new to the Community or just wanting to get re-oriented, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!

What this page is about:

New Member Orientation Call, Thursday 8/29

This will walk you through the new member checklist as well as help you get oriented on how best to use this community!

If possible, use the Zoom link on your device, since we’ll be sharing screens and walking you through the website. If you can’t do that, don’t worry, we’re recording the call and will post the video the next day.

Date: Thursday, August 29, 2019

Time: Noon eastern, lasting about an hour.

Zoom info:

Join Zoom Meeting:

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+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 814 787 379

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Watch: New Member Welcome and Orientation!

If you’re brand-new to the Learning Community, welcome! Take the six minutes or so to watch this orientation video, before you complete the New Member Checklist below.

New Member Checklist

Give yourself the time to complete the New Member Checklist. As with many things, slow down to go faster. Getting oriented will make accessing the many resources here so much easier.

New Member Checklist

Add calls to your calendar

Types of Calls

There are the regular, weekly calls, and there are special calls. You can see the full schedule on the Home Page. Also, you’ll receive an email each Monday with info on the week’s upcoming calls.

In general, reserve Mondays from 2 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. eastern for Remembrance and the Action Call, the weekly review that is part of Compassionate Accountability.

Weekly coaching call: Four times per month there is a coaching call that rotates a bit between Thursdays at 11 and 2pm and different times, to try and accommodate different schedules. If there’s a fifth week there is no coaching call.

Monthly Business Planning: Once a month, usually the first Monday, there is the Monthly Business Planning, which is the larger container for Compassionate Accountability. Taking on this monthly call is what makes it possible to keep the weekly reviews to 15 minutes.

Virtual Retreats: Every other month we have a Virtual Retreat, which is a day for the Community to commit dedicated spiritual practice to our hearts and businesses.

Deep Heart Calls: Twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Wed of each month at 2pm and 11am respectively. We will check in with our hearts for guidance, clarity, decision-making, and nourishment.

Special Calls: There are, from time to time, bonus classes, group calls, and healing focuses that pop up. Never feel obligated. They aren’t meant to fill up your time, but to give you support if that’s what you’re needing.

Action Item

Go to the Community Home, find the list of calls for the month, and add it to your calendar. This includes grabbing the Zoom info, and, if you like, subscribing to the Google calendar.

Take the Community Site Tour

Just under 18 minutes. Take time to get oriented.

Get Facebook Group access

The Facebook Group is where so much happens on a daily basis! We have a special culture in there, it’s often been described as a unique place online, full of kindness and generosity.

We ask you to do a few things before you gain access, so we can make it as welcoming and warm a place as possible, full of vulnerability, courage, coaching and help! Go to the page on this Learning Community website about the Facebook group to learn more and request access. Click here to go directly, or up in the navigation, click on “Facebook.”

Assess Your Business

Now that you have the calls, have taken the site tour, and have checked out the Facebook group, your final step in this checklist is to see what your business needs to fly.

Go to the Your Path Forward in the Learn section (click that link, or hover over the Learn drop-down), read about the two different paths, and then take the Four Stages assessment. Once you do that, you’ll be on your way!

Meet the Team!

Meet the Heart of Business Team

The Team

The Core Team

Our Community Facilitators

Our Practitioners

Our Commitment to Diversity and Equity

Our Commitment to Diversity and Equity

The team at Heart of Business is committed to honoring diversity on our team and within our clientele. We respect all type of diversity including, but not limited to, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, body type or size, religion and abilities. We want to live in a world that recognizes the inherent strengths that come from different viewpoints, backgrounds cultures and experiences. As a team, we have taken on a commitment to examining our unconscious biases, and want to work towards an equitable, peaceful, just world.

In regards to race and ethnicity, we reject the idea of “color-blind” and instead want to live in a “color rich” world, where each experience helps to weave the tapestry of strength and love. As a white-owned company, with a majority white team, we’re going to miss seeing things that would be obvious to someone with different experiences. If you are a reader, client or colleague, and you ever see us expressing unconscious bias in a way that we seem unaware of, we invite you to tell us.

If you look at our team and do not see your experience, identity, or background reflected (or poorly reflected) and believe that you would be an asset to our team and our work, then when we have openings we especially invite you to apply and bring your strengths to our team.