Quick and Clean Introduction

What’s covered in this learning:

Here’s where you can learn the beauty of a landing page, and how to get oriented to what it is and when you need one.

1. The Quick and Clean Full Workbook

  • Get it here – Click here to download the full workbook.

This is one of two workbooks for this module.

As with Heart-Centered Websites, having a Customer-Focused Story already written for your business will help this process go much more swiftly.


2. What to do

Read the workbook up through page 11, just before it starts into the 7 elements. You’ll notice it makes reference to the structure of the Products/Services page from Heart-Centered Websites.

All these pieces work together!

If you haven’t already worked through the Customer-Focused Story module, you might want to keep that in the back of your mind as an option, to put this module on hold, while you go learn about this foundational marketing template that will make this work on landing and sales pages SO much easier and quicker.

Your assignment: