Holly GlaserHeart Monitor

My favorite jobs here have been content editing, working with clients and co-teaching with Mark. Now they call me the Heart Monitor and I work behind the scenes with our growing team.

I have the same Sufi training as Mark, as well as a love of nature and a past incarnation as a massage therapist. I’m a trained facilitator of the System Constellation work of Bert Hellinger, and have studied a variety of energetic, communication and relationship healings.

I’ve been dedicated to learning and teaching healing in one form or another since I graduated from college, and partnering with Mark has magnified and deepened this for me considerably!

My degree is in Political Economy and Social Strategies for Environmental Protection. I basically studied how to change the world. The question in my heart has always been, “what is the most effective fulcurm for change?” Happily, Heart of Business is the answer.

These days I’m mostly a mom, happily. Sam and Dave are my responsibility, my entertaninment and my teachers. Yet I’ve been with Heart of Business since the beginning in one form or another and am quite fond of this business.