Tanya Nash

    Hi!  I am Tanya!

    After following Heart of Business for eight years, I finally joined the Learning Community in the spring of 2019 – after umpteen other workshops and courses that didn’t get my business off the ground.  It was honestly so very refreshing to realize that my heart and my business’s heart are two separate energies, and quite a deep journey learning how to relate to my business in a healthy way.

    I’m quite honoured to now be a part of the heart centred support for your entrepreneurial journey as I build my business helping women, who after a major heartbreak, want to reconnect with themselves and reclaim their self worth.  This path has taken me around the world, collecting certifications and initiations along the way, settling at the feet of masters in India and then back home to Canada, where I STILL had to figure out how to break through conditioning and shame to access my own heart’s wisdom.  Now, as a Sacred Storykeeper, I bring together my training in soul-based coaching, somatic psychology, Goddess mythology, sound healing, ayurveda and yoga to support women in their own reclamations.

    I live in Ottawa, Canada with my eight year old drawing-dancing-storytelling daughter and our beloved cat.  I have a love for dark chocolate, urban wildcrafting, repurposing, upcycling and nurturing belonging in community.