Information Products: Myths, Topics, and Cautions

What’s covered in this learning:

Before you jump into creating an information or home study product, there are some myths we need to bust, so you can feel clear about the reality of what you’re up to! Then, guidance on how to choose what to turn into a product, and some cautions before you start creating.

The first lesson video.

The video is about 16 minutes, and covers the three topics concisely.

You may want pen and paper, other ways of taking notes and recording insights. Pause as much as you need to!

About the suggested exercise, Crafting Your Offer.

The exercise suggested in this lesson is Crafting Your Offer, which is a larger module. Because this current module is considered Stage 2 and Crafting Your Offer is Stage 1, we imagine that you might have already done Crafting Your Offer at least once.

If not, you may want to do an abbreviated version of it, if you don’t have time to go through the whole thing.

The exercise itself is here: Crafting Your Offer exercise.

If you want to get the associated teachings that go with that exercise, you can listen to about 20 minutes of audio, then do the exercise above. Start here with the Crafting Your Offer teaching.

Questions and Answers

Welcome and Introduction

Click here for the transcript

Question 1: How to choose building blocks versus turning intuitive work into an info product?

Click here for the transcript

Question 2: Discerning between what the client says they want and what you are wanting to really give them.

Click here for the transcript

Question 3. What is too simplistic and not enough value verrsus just making a freebie?

Click here for the transcript

Question 4. Can an info product be a prerequisite for courses?
Mark’s thoughts on prerequisites.

Click here for the transcript

Question 5. How does the Garden Path differ from offering prerequisites?

Click here for the transcript

Question 6. How short is too short for an info product? Can it be too simple?
Useful Mark Gem – Think strategically, financially and business.

Click here for the transcript

Question 7. Overwhelmed with so much content and knowledge, what do I offer?
Useful Mark Gem – It’s not easy to make it simple.

Click here for the transcript

Question 8. Is it OK to make an info product that supports client work in between sessions?
Useful Mark Gem: You can’t be replaced by a worksheet.

Click here for the transcript

Your assignment:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Listen to answers from the Q&A call.
  3. Do the Crafting Your Offer exercise, using insights from this teaching.
  4. Answer the questions.

You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.


  • What myths did you hold about information products, and what are your understandings now?
  • What topics do you have in your heart for a product, after taking in the teaching?
  • What did you get from the Crafting Your Offer exercise?
  • Any other insights or learnings?