Information Products: Marketing and Selling

What’s covered in this learning:

You can get incredibly elaborate, sophisticated, complicated with your info products. Let’s not do that. Let’s keep it simple, easy, direct, and get you going.

The third lesson video.

About 16 minutes

You may want pen and paper, other ways of taking notes and recording insights. Pause as much as you need to!

Questions and Answers


Question 1: Is there a pricing formula based on the format of what I provide in an information product?

Question 2: How do I find out about pricing trends, and how do they contribute to visibility?

Question 3: Why isn’t my product selling? Do I need to change the format of it?

Question 4: I’m wondering about selling an info product of a higher-priced year-long live course I teach.

Question 5: Are these three, book, homestudy and live support, three different modalities for three  different audiences?

Question 6: What are essential elements to a sales page?

Question 7: I wrote a book and it has some very complex ideas, and wondering about boiling it down into smaller home study products.

Question 8: What is effective marketing for a home study product, especially around using Facebook.

Your assignment:

  1. Watch the videos
  2. Listen to the Q&A call recordings.
  3. Watch the “4 Launches” video from Heart-Centered Launching.
  4. Think through what you want to do with helping to make your product visible within your business.
  5. If it’s timely for you, plan out a launch of your product.
  6. Answer the questions.

You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.


  • What do you need in order to create a sales page for your info product?
  • What is your overall calendar of offers throughout the year, and how/when could promoting your info product fit?
  • What kind of bonuses could you offer to help boost sales?
  • Any other insights or learnings?