Website Clinic Reviews

What’s covered in this learning:

Website reviews and coaching questions! So helpful to watch someone else’s website gone over.

If you have questions about your website design, content or strategy, here’s where you can get some answers! And if you’re looking for video website reviews, just scroll down.

Websites: General questions, strategy, and design

Questions about strategy, design and others
I work with women in 3 distinct categories. How would I express that on the website?
I’m not sure how my writing comes across. I’m a wordy, intellectual writer.
Will you be covering how to keep email addresses confidential for when people become subscribers?
I still haven’t researched an email list management service such as MailChimp, but that’s on my agenda.
No specific questions, just the whole big question of how I am going to get a website created and online.
I think I could offer a free pamphlet of some key newsletter articles, but I’m not sure what the logistics of that are (plus I’d have to rework them a bit)?
How the heck do I reduce the number of WORDS?
Any tips on how to partner most effectively on these writing intensive sections like the Website?
I offer counselling and kinesiology in my work. In my current website I have a page on “what is counselling” and “what is kinesiology” but your template doesn’t work like that.
Since people looking for therapists are often looking for private work it seems helpful to let them contact me right away on the home page.
Should we even have an overarching Alchemist Clinic (AC) site? If so, the HCW format doesn’t fit for it. Should it just be a barebones landing page with our clinic contact info, bios and links directing to the Alchemist Eating (AE) and Alchemist Recovery program sites?
What do you think about a more detailed page to explain the modalities I use?
Well, I am kind of bummed that I am having a hard time getting my website assignments done.
Is it difficult to embed video into the homepage?
I don’t have a website yet, and have pretty much no knowledge.
I was wondering if you could please take a quick glance at my website and let me know what you think?
Q: I was talking to an acquaintance who is a graphic designer who might be able to help me set up a website, however, she is talking about branding and customized content (graphics, buttons, banners, etc.)
Q: I haven’t had a new client come through my website since I changed it over a month ago.
Q: OMG, Now that I’ve added the basic 8 [pages of the website] I have like 16 pages listed on the left hand column of my website, it seems cluttered, What to do?
Q: I’d like to find a local person to help with the website, since they could be another person in my network then.
Q: At the end of each page, I direct people to the blog. Should I be telling them to subscribe or to go and read it?
Q: I have a question about a Donate page.
Q: I’m working on integrating the offer of a free phone consult into my website and have a few questions around it…
Q: I have google analytics on my site but don’t really know what all the numbers mean or what (if anything) I should do with this data?
Q: What about SEO? Should I be worried about SEO?
Q: How does that % seem? 50-75 new subscribers from 2163 website views?
Q: I don’t have a website up yet. Should I start assembling one now?
Q: Over the holiday, I worked through the ‘Hiring a Web Designer’ and at the moment my finances are so tight…
Q: I am looking for a new web designer. Could you please send me a list of contacts that you’d recommend?
Q: How do you go about starting a blog?
Q: Nuts and bolts kind of question: Do you have thoughts about the text used for links?
Q: Are images necessary in a website?
Q: A lot of my articles, because they are about trying to explain things about how the body functions would benefit immensely from some illustrations, but it seems like it could take hours to find the right kind of illustration, and even then it may require permission to use.

The Home Page

Home Page Reviews and Questions
How do I incorporate all the aspects of my business into my Home Page?
I ended up writing my home page draft following your example, rather than the template. Is that okay?
I feel like my home page is leaving out some of my clients. Will I need to write new websites just for them?
I have been in the process of writing content for the website pages, and shared what I have been doing with my fiance, and he basically said I was on the wrong track.
It feels weird not to mention massage or yoga at all in this [Home Page], is this ok? If I were to mention them, where would it go?
Should I give people an option to book a session right there in the home page too? After the “wanna get started”? I think some people are more action oriented when looking for a massage therapist.
Is my audience clear now? Is the niche small enough? Does the page work?
Home page rough draft feedback
Curious to hear your thoughts on the Home page overall.
Which one of these two is the better headline for a homepage? (and how to turn empathy questions into empathy statements)
HCW: Feedback on my homepage for
Could you offer feedback on my new Homepage?
Q: I am submitting a revised draft of the Home page. Can you let me know how it looks now, I made a few tweaks that were suggested previously?
Q: I’m struggling the most with the headline. [On the Home page of the website.]
Q: It seems like the model here is for a homepage that is relatively simple and straight forward text and graphics.
Q: Does the headline have to be a question?
Q: I just made some major edits to my homepage to reflect a rewrite of my Customer Focused Story.
Q: My website homepage has always provided a brief general intro. to Chinese medicine, with tabs allowing visitors to click on either fertility or pregnancy specific options.
Q: Can you check my 4 Headlines [Home Page] and let me know if they sound and feel good to you?
Q: Can you also please check my [Home Page] Element no 6?
Q: Okay, okay…I finally listened:) and removed the featured post at the bottom of my homepage.
Q: Looking over what I’ve already written during the course, I’m happier than I thought I would be with it. I’m just not completely convinced that leaving out anything about the modality on the home page is a good idea for me.
Q: What can I replace the word Home with? My theme automatically puts the title that is in the menu bar at the top of the text on my page.
Q: In the statement below are the words LIFE and ENERGY enough? [Websites: Home Page]
Q: I would like some feedback on what I’ve written for my home page.
Q: Is this sentence clumsy? Understandable? Can you help improve it?
Q: Please review my Home Page of website:
Q: I am sending you my HOME page.

Is This You Page

Is This You Page Reviews and Questions
Regarding the Is This You Page- 1) Are my vignettes ok (in other words, are they effective) even though they don’t follow the format exactly?
Feedback on Is This You page would be appreciated. Are any of the scenarios too vague or too specific?
Can you give me advice on my Is This You Page scenarios? Which do you like? Which can be eliminated or combined?
(Is This You page) In my homework last time you asked me to rework one of my vignettes. Can you give me some feed back on it?
IS THIS YOU page. Is it okay to list particular issues (e.g., anxiety, stress etc) or is it not appropriate in the demographics?
(Is This You Page) Have I now given the (correct) impression that my ideal client is a pretty high-level professional or leader and is sophisticated in various modalities?
Is This You webpage feedback
Is This You Page Draft Feedback
Could you please provide feedback on my Is This You page?
Could you please provide feedback on my Is This You page?
[Is This You Page] As I work through the material each week, the picture of the potential client morphs a bit each time and I am not sure what my question is. I guess I just want to know if in your opinion, this page works together as a whole.
In the scenarios [Is This You page] I found myself writing in two ways. One was second person using statements. The other was some first person and asking questions.
Am I on the right path in this assignment (Is This You page) and where do you feel I should place my focus in rewriting?
Q: Can you take a look at these revised vignettes in the Is This You page? … I consolidated into 5 from my original draft of about 8.
Q: I need some help with connecting text between the sections of the Is This You page.
Q: My question. I think I missed seeing an example of a home page draft. Do you feel that my mini-scenarios are too abstract?
Q: Is number five scenario (Is This You Page) distracting (too much of a departure).
Q: I didn’t see a clear example of the actual “Is This You?” page, incorporating all the elements. My draft seems disjointed to me.
Q: I just rewrote my “Is This You” page to reflect changes in my CFS and align with homepage changes.
Q: It was helpful to come up with short mini-scenarios for each of my identified demographics but there’s a lot of overlap/repetitive language between the two. [Is This You page]
Q: I have to say that on the draft above of Is This You Page? I really winged it because I had no one straight example/template to follow.
Q: I’d like some general edits and comments on my Is This You page. I’ll paste it here in case you need that:
Q: Here’s the list of people I have helped since 2004 that I mentioned in my questions a couple weeks ago. [Is This You Page]
Q: Within the business people who are my potential clients there is a broad base. [Is This You]
Q: Is this you page review

How it Works Page

How It Works Page Reviews and Questions
I’m not sure the tone of my How it Works page is the best. I am using “I” in terms of what my abilities are. Is there another way I should word it?
How It Works web page: I have refined the How it Works from what Mark offered on the coaching call and I would like feedback on it’s clarity, how it hangs together, and how/if it resonates.
How It Works Page- Do I put too much in my principles? Should I make them shorter? Or, does it work?
I’m feeling a little confused on the How It Works page.
Could you provide feedback on my How It Works page?
Could you provide feedback on my How We Work page?
Q: Feedback on How It Works page – I wonder if it feels complete and accessible to you? Also what direction would you guide me to pay attention too for improvement?
Q: If you could please check my How It Works page for your feedback and any changes you think I need to make
Q: I know this [How It Works page] still needs a lot of work and editing, but I’d love your insights on length (of each principle and overall) and content overall.
Q: For the How It Works Page, I currently have the what you’ve tried, why it doesn’t work and my 3 principles. I’m worried that I’m missing the details of the step by step.
Q: How it Works page feedback:
Q: Feedback on How It Works
Q: Regarding the HOW it WORKS page, 2nd principle
Q: I would like to know if this make sense to you:
Q: How It Works page review.

About Page

About Page Reviews and Questions
We don’t really just directly pull our bio from our CFS? I found my bio or Why I’m so Good at What I Do was more like a list of experience, where on the About page it should be much more conversational/personable?
About page…feels a lot longer than the example in the chapter in the Heart Centred Websites book, and Im confused about 1st or 3rd person.
I am torn about my bio. On the one hand my reaction to my training and experience is that it’s over the top.
About page: I started with my personal story because my partner encouraged me to.
I’m still not clear which calls are critical to attend and which ones are good to attend. IT’s been a bit hectic trying to schedule in advance. Feedback here would be helpful.
Should I put the part about my spiritual name on the “About me” page, or does it belong somewhere else?
About Me Page- Is this enough? I have a list of certifications, but I feel like I don’t really need to add them. Do I? Or, should I? Thoughts?
Is this About page too long?
Could you provide feedback on my About page?
Could you provide feedback on my About page?
When creating a bio, how do you handle cases where you have done a lot of learning but no longer have the certification?
Because I am a beginner, the bio was really difficult. And although I have something to work with, it feels really tender and uncertain, perhaps a little disjointed in execution.
Q: Feedback on my About page: Did this writing fulfil the function of this page as you are teaching it?
Q: Feedback on my About page.
Q: Can you review my About page new draft?
Q: I feel very confident in my qualifications and experience (About Me page) but putting more of my humanity and personality out there is new (and great!).
Q: As I am over 60 years old, I have lived a lot of life, so it was difficult to condense all my experience. [The About Me Page].
Q: I just added a link to a recent podcast interview to the bottom of my About page…and now I have 4 links there, which feels like too many choices.
Q: if you could review my About page also for feedback.
Q: In my About page, I got excited in my CFS when I started thinking through first the number of treatments I’ve given in the past 12 years, but then in thinking through the different kinds of cases I’ve worked with.
Q: can you look at the Education, Certification & Licensure segment on [About me page].
Q: About Page: Who is Roselie?
Q: Feedback on About Page.
Q: Regarding About Page:
Q: [Websites: About].

Sign-up Page

Sign-up Page Reviews and Questions
Would appreciate any feedback on my sign up page info.
Here’s my draft SignUp page and I would love feedback.
Could you please offer feedback on my Sign-up page?
Q: Any feedback about the content of this that points me in a clearer direction is appreciated:
Q: How do you like the Sign Up page?
Q: I don’t have a sign up page yet so I haven’t been generating an email list from my clients.
Q: For my contact form I am going to have required boxes of: Name, Email, Message and a non-required box of Phone Number.
Q: Most challenging of all the work so far, the sign-up page. I don’ t currently have a free giveaway or a blog or a newsletter or any articles.
Q: In this paragraph below from my Signup Page, I went from the ‘You’ form to the ‘We/Us’ form. Is that a problem from a writing point of view?
Q: This part of the paragraph on the Contact Page I took more or less from the audio that I liked but do you think there is a better way to ask them to push through their shyness or is this ok?
Q: could you please let me know your feedback on my Signup Page.
Q: I am resending you my contact page as I went back and made some corrections to the paragraph.
Q: I want them to reflect on where they are succeeding in supporting themselves in wellness and where they could use change and/or extra support from outside in making those changes. [Sign Up Page].
Q: How do you like it? Any suggestions? [Sign Up Page].
Q: What’s the difference between the “subscribe to the newsletter” and “come get this free resource, give me your email, and bonus, get the newsletter too”?
Q: Sign-up page review.

Contact Page

Contact Page Reviews and Questions

Strangely, no reviews of the Contact page yet. This must be a mistake. [Wanders off to check the archives…]

Products and Services Page

Products and Services Page Reviews and Questions
How You can Move from Overwhelm to Relief – Products and Services – Feedback
I have resubmitted my draft of my Products and Services Page. I would love your feedback.
Should I list my classes on my Products/Services Page?
Could you please offer feedback on my Products and Services page?
Q: Should I end my Products & Services page with another call to action (click and link)?
Q: Do any of the core pages we’ve completed in HCW link to the Products & Services page?
Q: I am interested in any feedback for this version of a product page:
Q: How do my products and services hang together as a complete structure?
Q: Would you look at my product and services page?
Q: Where on this page do you think the information “you must book a new patient appointment before moving into a package or single session” should be?
Q: Should I have a separate page for my free consultation?
Q: Is this [Products/Services web page] the place where we advertise our prices? Or do prices wait for the Landing Page?
Q: Questions about integrating different offers and online programs.
Q: I’m lost about including stuff that I  want to communicate about what makes my treatments unique.
Q: How are people directed to the products and services page?
Q: I’ve further edited my Products and Services page. I feel very challenged here. You recommended I approach it a little differently on the coaching call last week, but I still really like the way this is laid out and how I’ve managed to describe things.
Q: I haven’t developed any offers beyond single sessions yet.

Individual Sales Page

Individual Sales Page Reviews and Questions
Writing “sales” pages: Do you have a good resource for writing a “sales” page?
I’m stuck on the bullet points for my program, and drawing a total blank. Below is everything I’ve got.
Do these logistics (below) make sense to you? Vague question, I know—sorry, but I’m just really overwhelmed and suddenly panicking around “Why don’t I have these in place yet???
While I’m working on landing pages for the new packages outlined above, I’d like to move forward with rolling out the new packages in place of the old ones—on the website and in practice.
Q: Could you give me feedback on my first 2 landing pages?
Q: I have two new landing pages up.
Q: Could you please give me some feedback on my landing page for individual sessions?
Q: Rather than waste more hours staring at my screen I reach out to you for guidance. I have a sales page for my large group classes.
Q: Re: landing pages. I love the materials! But I’m confused as to when we were or are supposed to create those.
Q: I just wrote this course description. I enjoyed working with the framework of Keyhole, Teaching, Stepladder.
Q: you recommend the call to action be to fill out an application if the offer is not something that can be purchased in a shopping cart. Could you tell me some of the technical part of that?
Q: I think the thing that I’m getting confused over is when do we have the Sacred Selling conversation?

Website Clinic: Video Reviews

Website Video Reviews
Sara Goodrich

Your assignment:

  • Click through to the Coaching section and take in at least one of the website reviews.
  • What did you learn from the review that you can apply to your own website, if anything? What changes are you going to make?