The Sign-Up Page
What’s covered in this learning:
You’ll want to deepen your relationship with people who are interested, and that usually is by having an email list. This page can be dealt with integrity and heart, and still be effective, like everything else.
1. The Full Heart-Centered Websites Workbook
- Get it here – Click here to download the full workbook.
This is the workbook that will be used for all Heart-Centered Websites lessons. You can download it in any of these topics, so it’s right at hand, but all the downloads are identical.
If you went through our Customer-Focused Story module, which we highly recommend you do before going further in this module, then you’ll want this handy CFS to Basic 8 PDF, that will help you translate appropriate elements of your Customer-Focused Story into the different Basic 8 webpages.
- CFS to Basic 8 PDF, click to download.
This can go VERY swiftly, which makes it incredibly worthwhile to do the CFS module first.
2. Listen to the audio
Here’s the audio! Pause as often as you need to.
The Teaching:
The Discussion:
Your assignment:
- In the PDF, read the section on the Sign Up page, starting on page 87.
- Listen to the MP3.
- Answer the questions, using the CFS-to-Basic 8 PDF as a guide as well.
- Doing the exercise, create the elements of your Sign Up page.
- Write a draft of your Sign Up page, getting it to a “good enough” stage.
- How do you feel about your draft?
- What insights or take-aways did you get?