First Journey Marketing Class Two: Publishing Content
What’s covered in this learning:
Publishing content is a wonderful way to sustainably and powerful connect with new people. The focus here is how to publish to new people. For creating the content, connect with the Heart-Centered-Article Writing (which is applicable for all content creation) and the Customer-Focused Story modules.
The second lesson video.
The video is about 20 minutes, and covers quite a bit.
You may want pen and paper, other ways of taking notes and recording insights. Pause as much as you need to!
Questions and Answers
Q1. I’ve really resisted any kind of publishing, I can’t stand Facebook. But now starting to play with it, approach it. Having fun with it.
Q2. I’ve been looking for an outlet to publishing content. But which audience am I speaking to? I don’t want to scare people away.
Q3. Do counselors have email lists and publish content?
Q4. Content to invite to an event, people like the content, but aren’t joining the event.
Q5. An article I was interviewed for was printed in Business Insider. The journalist didn’t use my website. How to make use of the article. What’s the etiquette on using it in online groups.
Q6. Having to change my content from self-expression to being in business, and how to not reinvent the business when big events in current events.
Q7. How to get into more professional, organizational settings?
Q8. I published an article on Medium a long time ago, and keep getting updates on how much it’s been read. Can I republish articles on Medium?
Q9. I’m a life coach, meditation teacher, and a writer. I write about life, meditation, and I love writing.
Q10. Being a private person, I’m trying to get out there, to be more public. The idea of being more on Facebook or other channels, they feel like a big should.
Your assignment:
- Watch the video
- Attend the Q&A call (or listen to the answers once they are posted here).
- Decide how publishing content might be an effective part of your First Journey strategy.
- Answer the questions.
You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.
- How comfortable are you with articulating concepts and teachings from your area of expertise?
- What modes of communicating, written, audio, video, are comfortable for you, and what are not comfortable?
- Where can you imagine publishing your content currently? Where can you research to publish additionally?
- Who do you know who has a community or a list where your content could potential be published?
- What kinds of places could you publish, even if you don’t know specific people or actual organizations yet?
- Any other insights or learnings?