Money is Not a Measurement

What’s covered in this learning:

Let’s go deeper into Your Heart and Money, and learn how money doesn’t actually measure what you think it does.

1. Your Heart and Money workbook

It’s the same workbook you may have already downloaded.

Here’s the  PDF workbook with the full teaching and exercise. When you get to the exercise, you may want to listen to the audio. It will reinforce the reading, after which you will be guided through the exercise.


2. Listen to the Money is Not a Measurement audio

Pause the audio as often as you want to give yourself the time you need to take in the teachings.

Your assignment:

  • Read the PDF workbook, pages 30-31.
  • Listen to the audio track.
  • Muse on your insights, before moving on to the next Learning.

You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.