First Journey Marketing: Introduction to Marketing to Strangers

What’s covered in this learning:

So many heart-centered folks are understandably resistant, tender, scared of marketing to strangers. Let’s take the pressure off. In this introduction we’ll be covering correcting a misunderstanding of the role of this kind of marketing, teaching the Three Journeys of Marketing, and giving you the basic formats for different types of First Journey Marketing.

The first lesson video.

The video is about 16 minutes, and covers the three topics concisely.

You may want pen and paper, other ways of taking notes and recording insights. Pause as much as you need to!

Questions and Answers

Your assignment:

  1. Watch the video
  2. Attend the Q&A call (or listen to the answers once they are posted here).
  3. Take the time to find your own commitment to First Journey Marketing.
  4. Answer the questions.

You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.


  • What myths did you hold about marketing to strangers? What fears or concerns or ideas did you have?
  • How would you describe the commitment that you found in your own heart for First Journey Marketing?
  • Any other insights or learnings?