Exercise: The Bridge

What’s covered in this learning:

The best way to get comfortable is to practice, more than you think. Better to mess up here, with a partner from our heart-centered community, than to lose a real potential client.

1. Sacred Selling PDF

Here’s the  PDF workbook with the full teaching and exercise. When you get to the exercise, you may want to listen to the audio. It will reinforce the reading, after which you will be guided through the exercise.

Exercise: The Bridge

2. Exercise on Connection to Bridge

Enjoy the audio! Press pause as often as you need to.

3. Sharing after the exercise

Enjoy the audio! Press pause as often as you need to.

Your assignment:

  • Read the PDF workbook, pages 180-191.
  • Listen to the audio.
  • Find a partner, the same one you’ve been working with or someone new, and practice once more.
  • Answer the questions.

You might find it helpful to open up a Google Doc, or another file, or even in a paper notebook (gasp!) and answer the questions there, so you can track your progress.


  • What did you notice about the Pivot this time?
  • How comfortable were you asking for the reason for the Not Done Yet agreement?
  • What was your experience with making the Bridge appointment?
  • How has your comfort and experience with the sales conversation changed now that you’ve practiced it a few times?
  • What other insights or take-aways do you have?