Design – Safety – Diversity

What’s covered in this learning:

This second lesson in How to Run Successful Groups in Your Business, we have three teaching videos. The first one is on Design, which describes different elements you may want to bring to crafting your group, including considerations for each.

The second one is about the Safety, and how to create it among participants.

The third one is an addendum to Safety, and discusses Diversity.

All three videos total about 31 minutes. I definitely recommend you watch them before taking in the deepening call, with the coaching Q&A.

1. Video teaching on Design

1. Video teaching on Safety

1. Video teaching on Diversity

Coaching/Deepening call recording

Topics and questions covered in the call

  1. When it would be helpful for members to meet in the off weeks, but can’t force it.
  2. 3 different ways  that people can share – Q&A, hot seat coaching, witnessing, clarifying.
  3. Don’t do two difficult things at the same time, around sharing.
  4. Recommend around diversity?
  5. Currently designing a webinar, tender sensitive topic, only have 90 minutes, ways to create containers so people can feel as safe as possible.
  6. Delivering content versus engagement. What to do with a 90 minute webinar.
  7. Demo of looking into the lens.
  8. Taking the time to receive the heart of the participant through the lens.
  9. Homework or suggested homework for a group. Some people come back frustrated that they didn’t do it.
  10. How to give less… very vulnerable. I drift toward doing more, making it harder.
  11. I run a weekly play group for year-long NVC course. It’s offered on a fee basis, people are dropping off, I’m not feeling juiced.

What’s next?

There is one more lesson in this module. At this point, you have enough to take use the Crafting Your Offer module to create a group for your business, if it’s the right time for you.

Otherwise, continue through to the last lesson, making note of insights that you want to apply as you go.