The Remembrance Library

Table of Contents

Click any section below to be taken immediately to that section of Remembrances on the page, or, simply scroll down to see the entire library.

All Remembrances are led by Mark Silver, unless noted otherwise. Kamala Murphy is a long-time beloved member of the Heart of Business community, trained in the same Sufi lineage as Mark, and had led a number of Remembrances.

Quick Start: If you’re new here, or to learn Remembrance more deeply, try these three Remembrances, in order.

The Divine: Explore your relationship with Source, and explore Divine qualities.

When You are Facing A Challenge: Care for your heart when you’re feeling stress, overwhelm, facing struggle, judgement, low confidence, fear of being visible, etc.

Self-care & Nourishment: When your heart needs care, rest, and comfort.

Your Heart & Emotions: Connect with the needs of your heart, support your emotional landscape and care for trauma with gentleness.

You & Relationships: Others’ needs, requests, complaints and judgments can weigh on you.  Stay connected in your heart while managing the relationships that are important to you.

You & Your Business: Get the support you need when it comes to working with and acquiring clients, finding prospects and being with your business as things change.

The Library

Browse the whole Remembrance Library here.  Each Remembrance is a link – click it to listen online, or right click to save to your device for listening offline.

Note on Gendered Language

Two things are absolutely true: the Oneness, the Mystery, the All-that-Is, the Divine, is beyond gender and inclusive of all gender expressions. Everyone is an expression of the Divine.

I make a conscious attempt to not use gendered language in reference to the Divine, and sometimes I’ve slipped badly by including a limited number of gender references.

If you hear a gendered reference to the Divine that isn’t inclusive in some way, please let us know using the priority contact form. We’ll try to update those audios as we can.

Quickstart Remembrances

The Divine

If you’re looking for a full list of the Divine Names, the Qualities of the Divine according to Sufism, you can find it here.

Your Relationship with the Divine

1. Drinking In Your Jewel
2. Signs of Divine Caring
3. Asking the Divine from the deep yearning of the heart.
4. Listening to the Response from the Divine. (led by Kamala Murphy)
5. Moving rapidly, at the speed of the Divine. 
6. Remembrance with your eyes wide open and engaged with the world.
7. When you’re trying to balance being of service and also being strong and powerful.
8. When facing concerns that you are falling out of spiritual practice or feeling lazy in staying connected.
9. Asking for help from ancestors, guides, prophets, saints and other beings in your lineages.
10. All that your heart is needing.
11. Deep acceptance of the self, physical, emotional and mental to connect the Divine.
12. Integration of the Power Healing Focus
13. Filling with your Jewel
14. When you want to anchor deeply in the Divine, and not be so affected by the waves and changes in the world around you.
15. Connecting with your own heart and the heart of your business
16. Not tamping down or changing yourself in any way when you come to spiritual practice.
17. Not tamping down or changing yourself in any way when you come to spiritual practice.
18. Surrendering everything, and being surrendered. (**Gendered language that needs updating)
19. Turning the intellect toward the heart, and noticing the subtle heart.
20. Maintaining the transmission of the heart while witnessing/engaging with the world
21. Allowing the heart to be drawn by sincerity toward the Oneness and Love.
22. Allowing the alchemy of fear, grief and anger to guide the heart in filling with strength and love in facing the world.
23. The Healing Focus on Courage integration Remembrance.
24. Connecting in the silence and depth of devotion.
25.  When your spiritual practices fall off.
26. Connecting in the depths
27. Asking for unseen help with your business


Note from Mark: I am most emphatically NOT an Arabic speaker. In the recitations I do my best to access the transmission given to me by my lineage, and I’m reading from transliterations, meaning Arabic sounds rendered in English letters. If you are an Arabic speaker, I hope you’ll forgive me any mispronunciations.

  1. Mark reciting the Fatiha, first surah of the Qur’an, three times.
  2. Mark reciting the Hizbu-l-Bahr, the Orison of the Sea. A prayer for protection.
  3. Mark reading the introduction, and translation, of the Orison of the Sea.

When You’re Facing A Challenge

Self-care and Nourishment

General Self-care and Nourishment

  1. Receiving Support and Expanding Your Heart
  2. When You’re Tired and Need Gentleness
  3. When your heart feels too sensitive to deal with the world.
  4. When you need emotional safety.
  5. Nurturing your dreams and hope as medicine.
  6. Bringing Gentleness to the Tender Parts of Your Heart (led by Kamala Murphy)
  7. Finding nourishment from that which is pouring down on you.
  8. The Milk of Divine Kindness
  9. The Divine Quality As-Salam – When your heart is needing peace. (led by Kamala Murphy)
  10. Drinking in the Divine’s Nurturing.
  11. Connecting when very tired.
  12. Drinking in What We’re Thirsty For (led by Kamala Murphy)
  13. When you’re sick.
  14. Resting into the support of your body.
  15. When you’re distracted by physical pain.
  16. When you’re struggling, and you know your heart needs something, but you keep choosing unhealthy, unnourishing things (Like food, alcohol, etc.)
  17. When you turn away from the Divine, or others, or otherwise isolate when you feel down or stuck.
  18. Expecting your needs to be met.
  19. Dropping the weight of responsibility for outcome.
  20. On the eve of US 2018 elections, when facing hatred and violence in the public sphere.
  21. When you feel tired or sick.
  22. Aligning with the truth of your inner reality and outer circumstances.
  23. Including yourself in the waves of kindness and care you’re moved to give..
  24. A quiet Remembrance.
  25. Stopping your self in order to listen more deeply to your heart.
  26. Allowing yourself to slow down, to stop.
  27. When you’re depleted and really needing to be nourished
  28. Slowing down and noticing your business, noticing your heart.
  29. Taking longer transitions between tasks and states of being.
  30. When you have slight uneasiness, or minor misalignments, small needs that need care.
  31. Your heart’s relationship to Power.
  32. The quiet lifting and sweeping away of pressure and burdens.
  33. Remembering Joy and Delight in Your Business
  34. When you’re excited and inspired by what you’re moving toward, and exhausted and depleted by the effort of the move from the old.
  35. Does the Divine really care for me and my business?
  36. Honoring the need for rest after a big push or deadline
  37. Allowing and inviting joy and delight in the face of challenges and even tragedy.
  38. When the needs of your body impact your business intentions.
  39. When you’re needing sweetness and joyfulness.
  40. Making space for all feelings, including the subtle ones we blow off.

Your Heart and Emotions

You and Your Relationships

You and Your Business

General You and Your Business

  1. Returning to your business after vacation or other break.
  2. Returning to your business after suffering a death or other loss.
  3. When avoiding (or facing) a weighty decision
  4. Get out of the weeds and the details to see your business from “on high” (big picture strategy height.)
  5. When you feel lifeless or deadened facing a project or task and can’t push through.
  6. To have a healthier relationship with profit.
  7. When you’re wondering if you’re ready for the next step.
  8. Connecting with the heart of your business.
  9.  When confronting “I don’t want to!” with a project you know is right to do.
  10. The Owner Mindset-Establishing sovereignty/stewardship over your business.
  11. Surrendering to what your business needs from you.
  12. When you are overwhelmed by fear and need for money.
  13. When big disasters strike and people need help, and yet you can’t abandon your business
  14. When you are overwhelmed, heavy, or fuzzy when facing a new thing you’re learning in business.
  15.  When you’re challenged in embracing your business and yourself as a business owner.
  16. How the Divine sees you and your business, and receiving the Divine appreciation.
  17. When the tail of one project keeps you from getting to a more expansive project.
  18. When nothing you’re trying is working.
  19. When you have a deep yearning to be useful, to contribute, to have an impact.
  20. When confronted with details, paperwork, and fees from agencies, and government authorities..
  21. In the wake of momentous events, what your business truly needs
  22. When you have things you want to create and have, and yet you don’t want to chase after them fruitlessly.
  23. When society, and politics, seem so unsteady and fragile
  24. Truly accepting all that your business wants to give you.
  25. When feeling the pull between just maintaining and trying to make progress.
  26. When you’re scared in comparing yourself to more established and successful businesses.
  27. When things are going really well and you’re bracing for it all to come tumbling down.
  28. Pruning your business for vitality and viability.
  29. Facing your taxes with heart and nourishment.
  30. When you’re scared about making mistakes.
  31. When a project just isn’t working and needs to be abandoned.
  32. Facing the financial uncertainty of being in business, especially compared to having a paycheck.
  33. When the world is calling for activism… yet still need to do business.
  34. When your schedule is too open, and you’re lacking productive focus, creativity or inspiration.
  35. When some aspect of your business is unsustainable, financially, emotionally, or otherwise, and you need to make a change.
  36. When you feel the tension between wanting to do things uniquely your way, and also wanting to learn how to be effective in your business, how others have done it.
  37. When you’re in transition between things, and still needing to give your all to your business.
  38. Stopping, quieting, listening deeply to the business, to your heart. Receiving deeply.
  39. When you feel like you swing between knowing everything is great, and feeling stuck or hopeless. Holding the all of everything.
  40. Showing up messy, without needing things to be neat, or clean, or straightened-up.
  41. When you’re worried about annoying, upsetting others with your emails, social media posts, or other business messages you put out in the world.
  42. When you’re not trusting your business, that it can be successful.
  43. When you’re tired and worn from being in business.
  44. When you’re resisting something you think you really need to do.
  45. When events in your business either seem like they are going to rescue you into a new reality, or a setback will collapse everything.
  46. When just being who you are creates struggles, pushback, resistance.
  47. Bringing love and care to deep-rooted, long-term projects in your business.
  48. Connecting with what the heart of your business is wanting you to know, with a surprise guest appearance by Rocky, Mark and Holly’s Husky-Malamute.
  49. Allowing for transitions, spaciousness, between tasks and projects, work-time and non-work time.
  50. When you’re hitting the wall with your capacity, and just need to face the truth of how much you can get done..
  51. When you’re facing long-term projects or situations, where the outcome or final result won’t be known for quite some time.
  52. On including kindness to yourself in your business choices and decisions.
  53. When you keep trying to get moving on your business but you get derailed again and again.
  54. Embracing what you need in your work environment in order to be effective and successful.
  55. When you feel burdened carrying your business by yourself.
  56. Honoring the need for transition spaces, to not let things overlap, or to rush from one thing to the next.
  57. Finding fun, joy and play in your business.
  58. When you take on a new thing in your business and it’s uncomfortable or messy. 
  59. When other things whittle away the time you were going to spend on your business
  60. Not making up for lost time from being sick or otherwise disrupted.
  61. When you feel constrained around joy, choice and freedom in what to do with your business.
  62. When your heart’s knowing conflicts with business strategy
  63. When your business needs more tending than you thought, especially when something you’ve already done needs fixing or tending to.
  64. Including joyfulness in your relationship with your business.
  65. Finding courage to follow through with business projects when you don’t have trust that they will turn out.
  66. Discerning whether business tasks are actually harmful or just uncomfortable.
  67. Focus vs inspiration in business tasks
  68. Not giving in to false urgency or anxiety
  69. When you need healing, but your business needs you to also get things done.
  70. Making space for the Divine, and your heart, in business meetings.
  71. When your business feels messy and you’re having trouble seeing the beauty and depth in it.
  72. Asking if how you make decisions needs to change or expand.
  73. Returning to your business after a break